- May 9th, 2025 (Friday)
- Cultural center Štrigova - Štrigova 103, 40312 Štrigova
When and where
Zagrebačka ulica 87
HR-40000 Čakovec
Talks and Speakers
When Marshall McLuhan said in 1964 that “the medium is the message”, he was primarily speaking about the mediums of print, radio and television. As our industry grows in volume, variety and velocity, this statement remains an important touchpoint for examining our goals and how we create and investigate the content and structures that confront us today. Importantly, the industrial world today functions in what we observe to be a mullti-model ecosystem, with significant needs for harmonization and analytics. What we have learned is that in order to both understand and derive actionable insight from this dynamic world requires the adoption of multi-model techniques and platforms. In this presentation, this evolution and an approach to implementation is outlined and described as an extension of McLuhan’s statement, providing crucial grounding in today’s complex industrial data management landscape.
Kako nas je evolucija dovela do ovladavanja znanošću i sposobnošću izrade inteligentnih računala... i kako će interakcija s računalima i biotehnološkim znanostima evolucijski pogurati naš mozak dalje, u smjeru (možda) neizvjesne, ali (sigurno) uzbudljive budućnosti.
Phoenix Live View je jedan od prvih "HTML kroz websockete" frameworka. Na poprilčno moćan način omogućava razvoj kompliciranih interakcija u web aplikaciji s minimalnom potrebom za JavaScriptom, a da pritom zaobilazi jedan čitav sloj u tipičnoj web aplikaciji - JSON/REST.
Symfony console component is industry standard for PHP console commands. In this talk I'll speak about Symfony console component, how to define it, how to use it, why it's useful. Also you will get insight how to extend it and get most of it. I will demonstrate how to use autocomplete, how to manage inputs, modify and style output and get/provide most useful output on different verbosity levels. It's really powerful tool and we should get most of what it is providing. I'll explain you how to do it.
Every day, we face a lot of content, most of which falls into the "junk" category. Investing a lot of effort is necessary to create quality and relevant content that will attract the audience, and even more effort if you want to achieve the "wow effect". Why not seek help from web services that use generative Al to create content?
And what if they could do it from their applications instead of us as users writing a request in the prompt?
This lecture aims to show how content can be created programmatically using the API of these web services!
Sigurno ste već radili jednostranične / single-page aplikacije (SPA) te zamjetili da ne morate nužno nanovo učiti nove koncepte. Većina dobrih praksi se uvelike ne mijenja i, kao razvojni inženjer, možete koristiti svoje postojeće znanje - samo usmjereno na pravi način. Nadalje, već neko vrijeme, razvoj modernih web aplikacija na klijentu uključuje i mnoga poboljšanja performansi, renderiranja te uporabu sve više serverskog koda. Provest ću vas kroz općepoznate principe koje možete primjeniti za razvoj vaše omiljene SPA te što budućnost donosi kroz meta i full-stack web frameworke.
Uz pregršt mogućnosti koji nudi novi .NET 8 za razvojne inženjere, razvoj cloud-native aplikacija postaje jednostavan i kvalitetan uz .NET Aspire. Implementacija distribuiranih aplikacija lokalno nije nikad bila tako laka uz pregled mikroservisa kroz kontejnere, telemetriju, dostupnost i otkrivanje servisa, na jednom mjestu. U ovom predavanju predstavit ću vam kako možete iskoristiti brojne prednosti rada uz .NET 8 i .NET Aspire - novog alata za moderni razvoj cloud-native aplikacija.
Code refactoring is something that everybody loves to hate and think of it as a chore or a punishment. While it should be treated as code makeover for which you don't need to hire Mirjana Mikulec :) I'll start with what is it, why do we do it and continue with a philosophy and theory behind it. After everybody is either asleep or wide awake I'll continue with practical techniques and personal examples.
Jeste li ikada imali potrebu izraditi desktop rješenje, a niste imali vremena učiti novu tehnologiju? U ovom predavanju proći ćemo kroz jedno od novijih rješenja - Tauri. Ovaj framework je izrađen na Rustu te koristi Rust kao mini 'backend' koji ima funkciju mosta između vaše web aplikacije i operacijskog sustava, a za frontend se koristi bilo koji Javascript framework.
In these past few years, agile methods became a vital part in the software development process, but are they really applicable for all types of projects and team sizes? A while ago, our company changed the way we approach project development because the team noticed that standard SCRUM-ish methods aren't fully compatible for us, so we developed our own, modified version of agile. In this talk, I will showcase how powerful this approach is and how you can use it to find problems, and eventually resolve them.
WebAssembly (Wasm) has seen widespread adoption, yet a significant challenge persists—lack of support for comprehensive test coverage solutions like LLVM. In the realm of blockchain, where code vulnerabilities can have severe consequences, relying on automated testing becomes paramount. This presentation delves into the limitations of current test coverage suites for Wasm and introduces an innovative solution - WasmCov. Developed by Noah Jelich and Bartosz Barwikowski at Hacken, WasmCov pioneers the field of Wasm module coverage, providing a robust testing tool to fortify smart contract development in blockchain environments. Join us as we unveil WasmCov and explore its potential to redefine the reliability and security of Wasm-based smart contracts.
Max is a visual programming language for music and has been used for creating new instruments and sounds. But in a latest update there's an ability to use it on the web. In this talk we will briefly go through the history of DAW's (Digital Audio Workstation) and go over the Max visual programming language for music. We will then "compile" the system for usage on the web and see it in real-time action!
Oban, a robust and flexible job processing library for Elixir, has become a game-changer in the world of background job processing. Built on top of PostgreSQL's powerful features, Oban offers unparalleled reliability, scalability, and ease of use. In this talk, we'll dive deep into Oban, exploring its core concepts, best practices, and real-world applications. Whether you're a seasoned Elixir developer or just getting started, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage work queues and background jobs in your Elixir applications.
Kroz predavanje uspoređujemo dva najpopularnija ORM-a za .NET ekosustav koji su ujedno i prvi izbor kod većine projekata u toj tehnologiji. Oni nude visoku razinu interakcije s relacijskim bazama podataka ali se razlikuju u performansama, kompleksnosti i fleksibilnosti. Suočit ćemo oba frameworka kroz prizmu lakoće korištenja, performansa, fleksibilnosti, podrške i naprednih funkcija te napraviti zaključak da bi lakše izabrali opciju za sljedeći projekt.
The session will give an overview of Micro Frontend (MFE) architecture and compare it to traditional app development, highlighting the key differences and benefits. It will show MFE architecture in practice, sharing useful tips and tricks. The use of an Nx monorepo as a great fit for implementing MFE architecture will be discussed, explaining its advantages. Finally, it will advise on appropriate instances to build an MFE architecture, guiding participants on when it's most beneficial to use this approach.
Understanding of integrating and utilizing Elasticsearch within the .NET 8. Learn the significance of Elasticsearch in handling large-scale data and the benefits of using it with .NET for enhanced search capabilities. The talk will address common challenges and solutions in integrating Elasticsearch with .NET.
Let's face it – R isn't exactly the star of the cloud computing show. The idea seems straightforward: collect some data, process it, and then store the results. However, transforming a project from "it works on my machine" to a scalable, reliable cloud-based solution presents a real challenge, especially for those like actuaries who haven't chosen coding as their career path. This tale is about crafting a cloud solution the right way, emphasizing teamwork, exploration, gradual improvement, and how IT professionals can pave the way for actuaries, allowing them to concentrate on their core responsibilities. In our journey, we chose Azure Databricks as our platform. But there's a twist: the actuaries don't directly interact with Databricks. Instead, we've developed a system that's not only distinct but also more empowering than the standard procedures you might find in an average online tutorial.
Practical applications and real-world impact of Large Language Models (LLMs)