Description of rights which the user can exercise:

i. Right to withdrawal of consent

ii. Right to access to information: You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data are being processed, and, where that is the case, to obtain access to your personal data.

iii. Right to rectification: If we are processing your personal data which are incomplete or inaccurate, you can request from us at any time to rectify or complete the same.

iv. Right to erasure: You can request from us the erasure your data if personal data are not necessary in relation to the purpose of processing, if you withdraw your consent, if we have processed personal data unlawfully or if that processing represents a disproportionate interference with your protected interests. Please take into consideration that there are reasons making immediate erasure impossible, for example in case of statutory stipulated obligations of data retention.

v. Right to restriction of processing: You can request from us the restriction of processing your data:

  1. If you contest the accuracy of data, for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of these data,
  2. If the processing was unlawful and you oppose the erasure of personal data and request the restriction of their use instead,
  3. If your personal data are no longer needed for the purposes of processing, but we require the same for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or
  4. If you have objected to the manner of processing these data.

vi. Right to data portability: You will have the right to receive the personal data which you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format:

  1. If we are processing these data based on a consent you provided to us and which you can withdraw or for the purposes of fulfilment of our contract, and
  2. If processing is carried out by automated means.

vii. Right to object: If you object the processing of your data for the requirements of communication, you may at any time object to the processing of personal data referring to you.

If you think that we have violated Croatian or European data protection regulations in the course of processing your data, please contact us so we could resolve possible issues. In any event, you have the right to file a complaint to the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency and the supervisory authority within the EU.

Personal data protection officer: Davor Tarandek

Contact address for exercising rights: [email protected]

Controller: Weblica j.d.o.o., Športska 6A, 40000 Čakovec

Terms of use

By visiting and domain websites, the user confirms that he or she has read and accepts in full these Terms of use, and with every use the User conforms that he or she is at that moment familiar with the current version of the Terms of use and that he or she accepts the same in full.

By accepting the Terms of use, the User gives Weblica d.o.o. (hereinafter: Weblica) his or her explicit consent that Weblica can use the transferred data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act for the purpose of registration, respectively fulfilment of rights and obligations based on these Terms.


These Terms of use regulate as follows:

  1. Method and purpose of using and domain websites
  2. Method of direct and indirect collection of user data
  3. Type of data which are collected
  4. Method of using and processing data
  5. Transmitting user data
  6. Purposes for which personal data may be disclosed
  7. Cookies
  8. Retention of user data
  9. Safety procedures
  10. Change of Terms

1.Method and purpose of using and domain websites

Documents, data and information published on and domain websites cannot be reproduced, distributed or in any other way used for commercial purposes without the explicit consent of Weblica, and they can be used solely for the individual requirements of users provided that all copyrights and proprietary rights and rights of third persons are complied with. By using the content of and domain websites, the user accepts all risks arising from the use und he or she accepts to use all content solely for personal use and under his or her own responsibility. Weblica will not be responsible for the way of using the websites, for actions of users resulting from the use or misuse of content nor for any damage which might occur for the user or a third party in relation to the use or misuse of content of and domain websites.

2.Method of collecting personal data

  1. Directly from the user in case of registration or application via web, in case the user contacts Weblica employees via web and in case the user submits a request for offering Business service.
  2. Indirectly when the user is surfing on Weblica websites.

3.Type of data which are collected

When signing up to the newsletter via web, the user provides the following personal data directly:

  1. Name and surname
  2. E-mail address

When sending an inquiry via web, the user provides the following personal data directly:

  1. Name and surname
  2. Cell phone number of the user (arbitrary)
  3. E-mail of the user
  4. Message of the user
  5. Company name (arbitrary)

Indirect data collection

  1. Via cookies– the user is assigned a unique identifier via cookie method (More under “Cookies”)
  2. Other aggregated data related to the use of websites via Google Analytics

4.Use of collected information

By accepting these Terms of use, the user gives his or her consent that data collected via and domain websites can be used for any of the following purposes:

  1. Allowing the user access to certain websites and/or functionalities at and domain websites
  2. Processing the order which the user made via and domain websites
  3. Securing the service for the user which he or she ordered via and domain websites
  4. Organizing the payment for the ordered product
  5. Creating invoices and other documents for orders made via and domain websites
  6. Preventing misuse by verifying the user’s identity
  7. Providing assistance for the user when he or she orders the service and sends inquiries via and domain websites
  8. Informing the user about new websites and/or functionalities at and domain websites
  9. Analysing the use of and domain websites by users and making web statistical reports for the internal requirements of Weblica
  10. Contacting users via telephone, SMS, E-mail or in other ways, and related to the user inquiry or order
  11. Sending user data to third parties with which Weblica has a business cooperation, and for the purpose of meeting the user inquiry or order
  12. Analysing data about users including user connecting, searching, and domain websites and location data on a personal or group basis. We can send these data to third persons and we might use these data in order to provide targeted offers, promotions, advertisements or commercial messages for the user.

5.Transmitting user data

By accepting these Terms of use, the user gives his or her consent that Weblica can send user data collected via and domain websites:

  1. To business partners (for e.g. the providers of external contact center services) and Weblica employees
  2. To the competent public and state authorities in case of suspected misuse and domain websites or other issues within their competence
  3. To third parties participating in Weblica promotional activities
  4. Transfer of data to a third country or international organization: When sending the newsletter or marketing e-mail, the tool of the international organization Benchmark will be used, which has its own safety protocols for personal data protection and with which we have a Data Processing Addendum. Find out more about the privacy policy of
  5. For the purpose of meeting legal obligations

6.Purposes for which personal data may be disclosed

Disclosure of data to Benchmark with which we have a Data Processing Addendum for the purpose of providing the service of E-mail marketing respectively using their tool for distributing mails of Weblica.


When using respectively visiting and domain websites, the server stores certain information in the form of “cookies” on the PC/mobile device of the User. “Cookies” are used for recognizing the User during his or her one connecting and after that they are erased. A “cookie” is a set of data generated by the server of web pages, and which the internet browser stores on the User’s disc in the form of a small text file. A “cookie” cannot be used for initiating programmes or for the introduction of viruses on the User’s PC. When visiting and domain websites browsers are using the cookie type known as “session based cookie” and which is installed on the User’s PC only for the duration of his or her visit to and domain websites and which make it possible for the User to use these websites more efficiently and it automatically expires when he or she closes his or her browser.

Information about the phone number, account and payment details of the username or the User are stored in the “cookie”, and it is not possible to access these information. By using “cookies”, Weblica in no way whatsoever collects information related to the use of PC or to browsing other sites on the Internet by the User. Since the “cookie” is located on the User’s PC, Weblica cannot find it if the User visits and domain websites from another PC.

“Session based cookies” are used as standard in web applications which have to make possible to the User an authorized access to private servers after his or her identification. This solution is conditioned by the technology of developing web applications and it is also used by and domain websites, which for proper functioning in the browser request from the User to set up a “session based cookie” active during the use of and domain websites.

The User can accept or reject “cookies” by means of internet browser settings. In case the user rejects to accept “cookies”, it is possible that certain parts or functionalities of and domain websites will not function on the user’s PC/mobile device. Therefore Weblica advises the use of “cookies” when visiting and domain websites.

8.Retention of user data

Weblica shall retain the collected data about users only during the time required for the achievement of a specific purpose or until the user requests the erasure of the same.

9.Safety procedures

Weblica checks procedures on a regular basis in order to protect user personal data from unauthorized access, accidental loss or destruction. The market standard (SSL technology) for encryption of sensible user data is used. Third parties to whom personal data are transferred in accordance with these Terms of use are obliged to keep the collected data confidential in accordance with Non-disclosure agreements concluded with Weblica. In any case, in the provision of services Weblica insists on user data safety and endeavours that third parties to whom the same are transferred maintain the same level of user data protection.

Users must be aware that communication via Internet, that is E-mail and web communication, is insecure except in cases of SSL encryption. It is the very nature of Internet that data can pass through Internet connections in many countries before being delivered. Weblica cannot accept the responsibility for an unauthorized access or loss of information in cases where Weblica doesn’t have direct supervision.

10.Change of Terms

On cases which are not resolved or regulated by these Terms of use, Weblica General Terms and Conditions will be applied accordingly, as well as other Weblica special conditions and/or specifications of services used by the User. Weblica reserves the right to change these Terms of use, and the User will be informed about the same in due time via and domain websites or in another appropriate way.

Version 01 / 2020-02-01