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Weblica 2019
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Weblica 2019

Weblica stvara platformu za razvoj IT sektora u regiji, privlačeći širok spektar sudionika; od developera i dizajnera do menadžera svih vrsta, DevOps stručnjaka i studenata, te svih onih koji su zainteresirani za svijet web tehnologija.

Fokus Weblice je na pružanju vrijednog i dubinskog znanja u prijateljskom okruženju, dok su predavanja neiscrpan izvor praktičnih rješenja.

Aktivno sudjelovanje u interaktivnim razgovorima i povezivanje s istomišljenicima omogućit će vam da odmah primijenite stečeno znanje u praksi.

Smjernice kod odabira tema

Weblica, kao konferencija o web tehnologijama, obuhvaća široki spektar potencijalnih tema za obradu. Ovaj popis tema služi kao vodič za sadržaj koji će se obrađivati na konferenciji, ali nije ograničen na navedena područja. U svijetu web tehnologija postoji mnoštvo informacija i perspektiva, stoga rado pozivamo prijedloge tema koje nisu navedene, a imaju značajnu vrijednost u IT sektoru.

Budući da je naša publika sastavljena od stručnjaka u industriji, pozivamo predavače da se ne ustručavaju zaroniti u kompleksne tehničke detalje u svojim predavanjima.

  • JavaScript
  • NodeJS
  • Bun
  • React
  • Vue
  • Ember
  • Angular
  • Svelte
  • NextJS
  • Gatsby
  • NuxtJS
  • ...
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Symphony
  • CakePHP
  • CodeIgniter
  • Zend Framework
  • ...
  • .NET
  • Azure Cloud Development
  • Xamarin
  • Blazor
  • ML.NET
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Django
  • CherryPy
  • Bottle
  • ...
  • Web
  • APIs
  • Services
  • PWAs
  • ...
  • Security
  • PenTesting
  • ...
  • UI
  • UX
  • ...
  • Git
  • Docker
  • DevOps
  • Cloud
  • ...
  • AI
  • ChatBots
  • LowCode/NoCode
  • Blockchain
  • ...
Weblica 2019
Weblica 2019
Dosadašnja izdanja u brojkama
  • 1000+ posjetitelja
  • 100+ stručnih predavača
  • 500+ popijenih litara piva
  • znanja i inspiracije

Kvalitetna hrana, sjajna kava i odabrana piva čine dodatan razlog zašto posjetiti Weblicu.





Nikola Begedin
Nikola Begedin
Freelancer and full-stack developer @ V7Labs
Started with .NET, added some JS to the mix, to become full stack, then shifted to Ruby on Rails with Ember, soon replaced by Elixir on backend and basically anything on the frontend (currently Vue).
Igor Berecki
Igor Berecki
Head of Staff @ Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
Dr. med. Igor Berecki - Doc je autor brojnih fenomenalnih tekstova iz područja medicine (za Bug), enciklopedist čuvenog medicinskog biserja, kolekcionar ispijenog piva, influencer i zajebant, ali prije svega ljudina i pedijatar-intenzivist u KBC-u Osijek.
Jurica Bistrović
Jurica Bistrović
Software Developer @ HIWE-IT
Raised by technology.
Frank Blau
Frank Blau
Principal Data Architect @ EBCONT
Frank Blau has been a Business Intelligence Data Architect for 15 years and has over 25 years of technical experience in relational and dimensional database technologies. He is currently a Principal Data Architect at EBCONT in Hard, Austria. He has been a developer, architect, analyst and educator in a variety of vertical markets and technologies. Frank has also been a consultant to Fortune 500 and mid-market companies in the use and implementation of data warehouse architectures, unstructured data, metadata management and analytic presentation.

Frank is a 2018 and 2020 IBM Champion for Cloud and Blockchain, and was a 2014 IBM Champion for Information Management. He continues to provide thought leadership and research in such diverse areas as Streaming Data, Blockchain, Modern Data Architecture and Cloud Computing. Frank is also a public speaker and author on topics related to Business Intelligence, disruptive technologies, mobile computing and software methodologies and is also a member of the Digitale Initiativen in Dornbirn, Austria.
Tomislav Bronzin
Tomislav Bronzin
CEO @ CITUS / Microsoft Regional Director & MVP
Tomislav Bronzin is Microsoft Regional Director & Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (19th year in a row!) - M365 Apps & Services/Business Applications and founder of CITUS, a Microsoft Silver Partner Company specializing in software development, consulting, and training. He is leading CITUS Team, and managing projects focused on Microsoft365, Power Platform, Mixed Reality, AI, Big Data & Cloud Computing. Tomislav is a trainer and speaker at Microsoft conferences like TechEd Europe, WindDays, NT Konferenca, MS NetWork, CrisCon, Weblica, KulenDayz, Init Conference, etc. He teaches at several universities and mentors student teams for Imagine Cup Competition. Tomislav organized the http://www.mobilityday.com conference (10 years in a row!) and is helping to organize one of the largest MS Community Conferences in the region - KulenDayz. Tomislav is one of the founders of MS Community in Croatia and the Croatian Chamber of Economy IT Association Vice President. He is also an entrepreneur and innovator that (with his team) has won over 90 international awards for his invention in IT, five patents, and many other recognitions. Tomislav has led CITUS Team in developing numerous innovative software products based on propriety innovations in mixed reality, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing.
Ratko Ćosić
Ratko Ćosić
Senior Software Architect
Ratko is a senior software architect with more than 20 years of professional work in research, design and developing business systems, mostly on Microsoft platform. Areas of expertise include communication systems, ERP and UX products based on Cloud computing and related architecture patterns (microservices, SPAs, serverless, IoT). Also, in position of a mentor and a tech lead. In spare time, giving lectures at regional IT conferences.
Andrei Zvonimir Crnković
Andrei Zvonimir Crnković
Freelance Elixir Developer @ 0x7f Inc.
I've been a software developer for 12 years to date. I've worked with JavaScript, Python, Golang, and now Elixir.

Some of my most notable projects and clients include: WB Games New York, Disney Cruise Line Industries, and Contractbook. For them I've helped develop a large range of products, from public facing to internal developer tooling.

My wife and me also have our own Accounting firm, SmartAccount, intended to help Croatian freelancers and developers have a better and cheaper way of handling official tax and regulation work. We're focused on liberating information for paywalls and consultancy firms, trying to put the knowledge back into the community via sponsoring events, blog posts, and newsletters. We also do free tax consultations for those who need it.

And in my free time, I help out with organising the largest East Europe OpenSource conference DORS/CLUC that has been active for 30 years now. On top of hosting smaller developer meetups in Zagreb.
Ivan Čuljak
Ivan Čuljak
Cloud Whisperer @ Cloudlet Ltd
A developer evolved into an architect. Loved salvaging wrecks, now enjoys correcting the course well before the wreck happens. Keeps postponing releasing his SaaS and podcast.
Đuro Fusić
Đuro Fusić
Senior Javascript Developer @ Comsysto Reply
Developer for the past 7 years with main focus being the Front-end technologies. Likes to dwell into obscure features of the browsers that most of the people are unaware of. In the free time likes to run and dabble into music production and DJ'ing.
Marko Hrnčić
Marko Hrnčić
.NET Team Lead @ Infinum
Software enthusiast with 5+ years of professional experience in software development.

Currently working as a backend team lead at Infinum, directing other engineers and fostering personal growth through continuous learning and development. Software architecture and cloud-oriented technologies like Azure and AWS are of great focus in my career.

I'm also interested in clean code and performance in software, so I tend to research those topics in my free time, apart from watching football.
Noah Jelich
Noah Jelich
Lead Security Researcher @ Hacken
Technical lead with expertise in security research, full stack software engineering, and blockchain development:

Proficient in Rust, Typescript, Solidity, and Python with a strong foundation in information security principles.

Regularly speaks at conferences and panels on topics related to blockchain security.

Active contributor to open-source projects through bug reports, code contributions, code review, issue triaging, and resolution, as well as design and user experience expertise.

Lifelong passion for technology, sparked by early fascination with computers, gaming, and Minecraft modding.
Borna Matijanić
Borna Matijanić
Backend developer @ Netgen
PHP/Symfony developer, graduated Informatics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek. Doing web stuff for 6 years. Works at Netgen as backend developer and branch manager. Slavonia evangelist.
Jelena Miodragović
Jelena Miodragović
Software Engineer @ Diplomat Tech
Jelena Miodragovic is M.Eng(IT) and Software Engineer, with focus on FrontEnd technologies. She is regional speaker and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Very active in IT community as a CO-leader of BLbit user group in Banja Luka and CO-organizer of IT conference INIT.
Josip Novak
Josip Novak
Software Developer @ HIWE-IT
Experienced in the alchemical transformation of caffeine into code.
Luka Peharda
Luka Peharda
Developer who transforms todos into tadas!
PHP & JS developer with over 10 years of experience.
Antonio Perić-Mažar
Antonio Perić-Mažar
CEO @ Locastic
Antonio Perić-Mažar is CEO at Locastic digital agency, based in beautiful Croatian city called Split. Their main focus is to build complex mobile and web platforms for different clients that range from startups to enterprise companies from all over the globe.

He is a proud backend developer that moved into a managerial role after founding Locastic in 2011, since, in a very short period of time the team has grown and they became very popular in the development world.

He is quite a proactive guy - as he is one of the founders of the largest regional Blockchain Conference, he is hosting a free monthly Meetup event in Split, also recently he fell in love with Esports as he owns the best Croatian Counter-Strike team.

During the last few years Antonio also focused on sharing his business and development knowledge with Startups and other Entrepreneurs and he spoke on many conferences.
Marko Šarić
Marko Šarić
Lead Software Engineer @ GlobalLogic
Marko se bavi razvojem aplikacija, DevOps procesima te je bloger i predavač na različitim community događanjima. Primarno radi rješenja na Microsoft Stacku za Web, mobilne i Azure aplikacije.

Kroz karijeru radio je na različitim projektima za domaće i inozemne klijente, te održao predavanja na nekoliko domaćih konferencija. Nositelj je nekoliko Microsoftovih certifikata na području Web Application Developmenta-a, Cloud Platform and Application Lifecycle Management-a.

Radio je u različitim ulogama u projektnim timovima, od developera do team leadera i DevOps konzultanta pomažući organizacijama u kreiranju DevOps kulture i implementaciji Application Lifecycle Management procesa.

Veliki je ljubitelj Apple eko-sustava, te obožava isprobavati različita Microsoftova rješenja na macOS-u. Kada je udaljen od računala bavi se brdskim biciklom ili pak rasteže prste na gitari.
Filip Vidović
Filip Vidović
Developer @ Ekobit
Filip Vidović programiranjem se bavi od tinejđerskih dana, a u Ekobitu je od 2020. godine. Sudjelovao je na raznim projektima u timovima raznih veličina, a većinu karijere proveo je na izradi softver podrške u telemedicini (Rods&Cones). Slobodno vrijeme troši na društvene igre i košarku (kad se ekipa uspije skupiti).
Filip Voska
Filip Voska
JavaScript Team Lead @ Infinum
Filip graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb in 2017 and has started his career at Infinum as JavaScript Engineer. Over the years, FIlip gathered knowledge of various Frontend topics, with focus on Angular, and became Angular Lead Engineer.

Some more time passed and Filip started focusing more on soft-skills and became JavaScript Team Lead at Infinum, while still continuing to do Angular development and being involved in architecture-level decision-making.

As for FIlip's personal interests and hobbies, he likes PC/Nintendo Switch Gaming, messing around with HiFi gear and mechanical keyboards, and being a loving husband & father to his wife & child.


A McLuhan-based approach to data architecture
  • JezikEnglish
When Marshall McLuhan said in 1964 that “the medium is the message”, he was primarily speaking about the mediums of print, radio and television. As our industry grows in volume, variety and velocity, this statement remains an important touchpoint for examining our goals and how we create and investigate the content and structures that confront us today. Importantly, the industrial world today functions in what we observe to be a mullti-model ecosystem, with significant needs for harmonization and analytics. What we have learned is that in order to both understand and derive actionable insight from this dynamic world requires the adoption of multi-model techniques and platforms. In this presentation, this evolution and an approach to implementation is outlined and described as an extension of McLuhan’s statement, providing crucial grounding in today’s complex industrial data management landscape.
Evolucija ljudskog uma: od kiselog kupusa do GMOzga i dalje
  • JezikHrvatski
Kako nas je evolucija dovela do ovladavanja znanošću i sposobnošću izrade inteligentnih računala... i kako će interakcija s računalima i biotehnološkim znanostima evolucijski pogurati naš mozak dalje, u smjeru (možda) neizvjesne, ali (sigurno) uzbudljive budućnosti.
Phoenix Live View - SPA u Elixiru s minimalno Javascripta
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMnogo
Phoenix Live View je jedan od prvih "HTML kroz websockete" frameworka. Na poprilčno moćan način omogućava razvoj kompliciranih interakcija u web aplikaciji s minimalnom potrebom za JavaScriptom, a da pritom zaobilazi jedan čitav sloj u tipičnoj web aplikaciji - JSON/REST.
Fun with Symfony console commands
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaPočetnik
  • Količina kodaMalo
Symfony console component is industry standard for PHP console commands. In this talk I'll speak about Symfony console component, how to define it, how to use it, why it's useful. Also you will get insight how to extend it and get most of it. I will demonstrate how to use autocomplete, how to manage inputs, modify and style output and get/provide most useful output on different verbosity levels. It's really powerful tool and we should get most of what it is providing. I'll explain you how to do it.
Programmatic Creation of Multimedia Content Using Generative AI Services
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Every day, we face a lot of content, most of which falls into the "junk" category. Investing a lot of effort is necessary to create quality and relevant content that will attract the audience, and even more effort if you want to achieve the "wow effect". Why not seek help from web services that use generative Al to create content?
And what if they could do it from their applications instead of us as users writing a request in the prompt?
This lecture aims to show how content can be created programmatically using the API of these web services!
Što nakon SPA? Moderni razvoj klijentskih web aplikacija
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Sigurno ste već radili jednostranične / single-page aplikacije (SPA) te zamjetili da ne morate nužno nanovo učiti nove koncepte. Većina dobrih praksi se uvelike ne mijenja i, kao razvojni inženjer, možete koristiti svoje postojeće znanje - samo usmjereno na pravi način. Nadalje, već neko vrijeme, razvoj modernih web aplikacija na klijentu uključuje i mnoga poboljšanja performansi, renderiranja te uporabu sve više serverskog koda. Provest ću vas kroz općepoznate principe koje možete primjeniti za razvoj vaše omiljene SPA te što budućnost donosi kroz meta i full-stack web frameworke.
Razvoj cloud-native aplikacija uz .NET 8 i .NET Aspire
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Uz pregršt mogućnosti koji nudi novi .NET 8 za razvojne inženjere, razvoj cloud-native aplikacija postaje jednostavan i kvalitetan uz .NET Aspire. Implementacija distribuiranih aplikacija lokalno nije nikad bila tako laka uz pregled mikroservisa kroz kontejnere, telemetriju, dostupnost i otkrivanje servisa, na jednom mjestu. U ovom predavanju predstavit ću vam kako možete iskoristiti brojne prednosti rada uz .NET 8 i .NET Aspire - novog alata za moderni razvoj cloud-native aplikacija.
Refactoring: The art and craft of code improvement
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Code refactoring is something that everybody loves to hate and think of it as a chore or a punishment. While it should be treated as code makeover for which you don't need to hire Mirjana Mikulec :)

I'll start with what is it, why do we do it and continue with a philosophy and theory behind it. After everybody is either asleep or wide awake I'll continue with practical techniques and personal examples.
Tauri - a web developer's desktop solution
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Jeste li ikada imali potrebu izraditi desktop rješenje, a niste imali vremena učiti novu tehnologiju? U ovom predavanju proći ćemo kroz jedno od novijih rješenja - Tauri. Ovaj framework je izrađen na Rustu te koristi Rust kao mini 'backend' koji ima funkciju mosta između vaše web aplikacije i operacijskog sustava, a za frontend se koristi bilo koji Javascript framework.
Are you failing at being agile?
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaNišta
In these past few years, agile methods became a vital part in the software development process, but are they really applicable for all types of projects and team sizes?

A while ago, our company changed the way we approach project development because the team noticed that standard SCRUM-ish methods aren't fully compatible for us, so we developed our own, modified version of agile. In this talk, I will showcase how powerful this approach is and how you can use it to find problems, and eventually resolve them.
Unveiling WasmCov: Revolutionizing Test Coverage Across Wasm Ecosystems
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
WebAssembly (Wasm) has seen widespread adoption, yet a significant challenge persists—lack of support for comprehensive test coverage solutions like LLVM. In the realm of blockchain, where code vulnerabilities can have severe consequences, relying on automated testing becomes paramount. This presentation delves into the limitations of current test coverage suites for Wasm and introduces an innovative solution - WasmCov. Developed by Noah Jelich and Bartosz Barwikowski at Hacken, WasmCov pioneers the field of Wasm module coverage, providing a robust testing tool to fortify smart contract development in blockchain environments.

Join us as we unveil WasmCov and explore its potential to redefine the reliability and security of Wasm-based smart contracts.
Generating sounds on the web by utilizing RNBO
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Max is a visual programming language for music and has been used for creating new instruments and sounds. But in a latest update there's an ability to use it on the web.

In this talk we will briefly go through the history of DAW's (Digital Audio Workstation) and go over the Max visual programming language for music. We will then "compile" the system for usage on the web and see it in real-time action!
Scaling Work Queues with Oban: Harnessing Elixir's Power for Reliable Background Processing
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMnogo
Oban, a robust and flexible job processing library for Elixir, has become a game-changer in the world of background job processing. Built on top of PostgreSQL's powerful features, Oban offers unparalleled reliability, scalability, and ease of use. In this talk, we'll dive deep into Oban, exploring its core concepts, best practices, and real-world applications. Whether you're a seasoned Elixir developer or just getting started, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively manage work queues and background jobs in your Elixir applications.
Battle of Titans: EF Core vs Dapper
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Kroz predavanje uspoređujemo dva najpopularnija ORM-a za .NET ekosustav koji su ujedno i prvi izbor kod većine projekata u toj tehnologiji. Oni nude visoku razinu interakcije s relacijskim bazama podataka ali se razlikuju u performansama, kompleksnosti i fleksibilnosti. Suočit ćemo oba frameworka kroz prizmu lakoće korištenja, performansa, fleksibilnosti, podrške i naprednih funkcija te napraviti zaključak da bi lakše izabrali opciju za sljedeći projekt.
Micro Frontends with Nx & Angular
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
The session will give an overview of Micro Frontend (MFE) architecture and compare it to traditional app development, highlighting the key differences and benefits. It will show MFE architecture in practice, sharing useful tips and tricks. The use of an Nx monorepo as a great fit for implementing MFE architecture will be discussed, explaining its advantages. Finally, it will advise on appropriate instances to build an MFE architecture, guiding participants on when it's most beneficial to use this approach.
Leveraging Elasticsearch in .NET 8
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Understanding of integrating and utilizing Elasticsearch within the .NET 8. Learn the significance of Elasticsearch in handling large-scale data and the benefits of using it with .NET for enhanced search capabilities. The talk will address common challenges and solutions in integrating Elasticsearch with .NET.
The Flying ActuaRies
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaNišta
Let's face it – R isn't exactly the star of the cloud computing show. The idea seems straightforward: collect some data, process it, and then store the results. However, transforming a project from "it works on my machine" to a scalable, reliable cloud-based solution presents a real challenge, especially for those like actuaries who haven't chosen coding as their career path.

This tale is about crafting a cloud solution the right way, emphasizing teamwork, exploration, gradual improvement, and how IT professionals can pave the way for actuaries, allowing them to concentrate on their core responsibilities.

In our journey, we chose Azure Databricks as our platform. But there's a twist: the actuaries don't directly interact with Databricks. Instead, we've developed a system that's not only distinct but also more empowering than the standard procedures you might find in an average online tutorial.
Real World Use Cases for Large Language Models
  • JezikHrvatski
  • Razina znanjaSrednje
  • Količina kodaMalo
Practical applications and real-world impact of Large Language Models (LLMs)


Factory X
Humana Nova




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